Pride 2019


It’s Pride Week in Calgary, and we always get excited this time of year. A celebration of love brings the city together, and that’s always something we can get behind.

At FOUR20, we are an equal opportunity employer and advocate. We encourage diversity, authenticity, but above all, mutual respect for all individuals, LGBTQ+ and otherwise. We are all just humans looking to connect. The fabric of our culture is built upon inclusivity and community, all of which is greatly celebrated through Calgary’s Pride activities. We stand as an LGBTQ+ ally and recognize the adversity faced by the community, which is combatted by a resilient and positive affirmation for a better future – one of equality, empathy and acceptance.

To celebrate Pride, we asked our employees what #loveislove and equality mean to them, and here are some of our favourite responses.

Love is unconditional affection with no limits or conditions. Love is not an object but an emotion. Equality is about treating everyone with respect. You can’t help who you fall in love with, people should respect that.

Meghan Rice

To come up with a meaning of what does "love is love" mean to me is a pretty complex one. I could basically narrow it down to the song 'Love" by the late great John Lennon. If you give that tune a listen you'll know what I’m talking about.

As for the word 'equality' and what it means to me, it can be broken into one word. HUMANITY. We are all human beings and deserve an equal opportunity to live our lives. 

Stephan Nadeau

“The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return”

Do what you love, be with who you love. We all deserve the right to choose the path that puts our happiness and fulfillment first.


Love is non-linear, non-judgmental and always amazing. Love doesn’t fit in a box, it doesn’t require a definition, it just is. Love can hit anyone at any time and it should always be celebrated. Equality to me is all people sharing the same freedoms and safe space together.

Amber Craig

"Love is Love" to me means vulnerability. Equality means freedom."

Audrey Slack

Are you looking for ways to get involved in Pride?

You can volunteer for Calgary Pride Week events here or check out some of the many events around Calgary here. In Brooks, Pride Day is TODAY! So get out there and share some love. 

You can also wear your pride in some comfy and stylish goods from one of our favourite local brands, Camp Brand Goods with their “In it Together” campaign. Proceeds from the clothing go to Camp fYreFly, Canada’s largest summer camp for LGBTQ+ youth. Or, I’m Mr. Fabulous has launched a “Loved” campaign in partnership with some of our favourite local businesses, including Local Laundry, Milk Jar Candle Co., Sock Box and so many more amazing community-minded businesses. The campaign aims to share one important message – “You are loved”.

Or if you want to sip some amazing cocktails, the Shake, Stir and Strainbow campaign have partnered with some of Calgary's best restaurants to serve Pride-themed cocktails and a portion of the proceeds go to Skipping Stone foundation. 

We can't wait to see the smiling faces and be part of the abundantly positive and resilient LGBTQ + community this next week. May you all have a safe and fun Pride Week!


Happy Legalization Day!


Community Feature: Stephen Avenue